MINGGU lepas saya dijemput oleh TV3 menerangkan tentang emas sebagai pelaburan alternatif dalam program Bijak Wang. Minat dengan pelaburan emas memang sedang meningkat. Melalui program tersebut pun ada beberapa penonton yang menelefon bertanyakan beberapa perkara tentang emas.
Saya diminta menerangkan mengapa wajar melabur dengan emas. Emas sebenarnya ialah suatu komoditi yang tidak luntur ditelan zaman. Walau tertanam beribu-ribu tahun sekalipun, emas tetap berkilau.
Tidak ada negara yang mata wangnya tidak tertakluk kepada turun naik nilai emas, termasuklah negara kita semasa krisis 97/98 yang mana mata wang kita dikatakan menjadi bahan spekulator dan pernah jatuh ke paras serendah RM4.50 untuk satu dolar Amerika.
Mata wang dunia tidak lagi disokong oleh emas dan negara seperti Amerika Syarikat didapati boleh mengeluarkan seberapa banyak wang sesuka hati mereka.
Sekian lama mata wang dolar Amerika digunakan untuk segala-galanya daripada rizab negara kepada dagangan dunia.
Boleh dikatakan tidak ada urusan yang tidak lepas daripada dolar Amerika sehinggalah Kesatuan Eropah menghasilkan Euro yang menjadi pencabar kepada kedudukan dolar Amerika.
Apabila berlaku krisis ekonomi pada tahun 2008 yang berpunca di Amerika, dolar terus tertekan kedudukannya selaku mata wang utama. Tambahan pula negara seperti China yang banyak membeli Bil Perbendaharaan Amerika Syarikat merasa bimbang mengenai penurunan nilai dolar dan menyarankan penggunaan mata wang alternatif untuk perdagangan.
Pada waktu sama China juga mengajak negara-negara Asia Barat mengubah haluan menggunakan mata wang lain selain dolar Amerika.
Suasana begini dicampur dengan defisit kerajaan Amerika yang berjumlah trilion dolar menyebabkan ramai orang membeli emas selaku pelindung atau insuran.
Mereka yang mengambil langkah perlindungan ini bukan saja orang individu tetapi juga negara. Selasa minggu lepas, Bank Negara India telah membeli 200 tan emas dari Dana Kewangan Antarabangsa (IMF) dan ia telah melonjakkan harga emas pada hari itu. Dikhabarkan IMF akan menjual sebanyak 200 tan lagi. Kenaikan permintaan ini menyebabkan harga emas terus meningkat.
Minggu lepas sehingga semalam (Jumaat) emas naik dari AS$1091 (RM3,815) seauns kepada AS$1106 (RM3,871).
Bagaimanapun mereka yang ingin membeli emas patut melihat pembeliannya untuk disimpan selama 365 hari. Bukan untuk dijual minggu depan atau bulan depan kerana dengan mengambil sikap demikian segala turun naik harga (volatiliti) dapat diatasi.
Misalnya sejak setahun lalu, harga emas naik sebanyak 52 peratus dari AS$734.90 (RM2,572) seauns kepada AS$1116.80 (RM3,908) seauns.
Kalau emas tidak penting mengapa kerajaan India membeli 200 tan emas minggu lepas?
Kebimbangan akan kejatuhan nilai matawang dolar Amerika dan kemungkinan pemulihan mungkin akan mengambil masa lebih lama daripada dijangkakan kerana pengangguran di AS hampir mencecah 10 peratus dan masalah yang membelenggu sektor perumahan belum dapat diatasi lagi.
Kerajaan China juga menasihatkan rakyatnya menyimpan 5 peratus daripada wang simpanan mereka dalam bentuk emas dan ini bakal menaikkan lagi harga emas.
Kita ingat semasa zaman ramai pelarian meninggalkan negara asal mereka seperti semasa perang Vietnam. Mereka yang lari daripada Kemboja membawa bersama emas dan apabila sampai di sini mereka menggunakan emas tersebut untuk memulakan perniagaan dan hidup baru.
Contohnya di kawasan Kota Tinggi, Johor. Ramai orang Kemboja yang memiliki perniagaan seperti barang kemas dan perniagaan kain. Emas diterima di mana-mana tidak kira di negara mana sekalipun, emas tetap emas.
Seperti yang pernah dinyatakan dahulu, emas boleh dibeli secara buku pas dan secara syiling atau keping (wafer) dari bank-bank perdagangan. Selain itu, barang kemas juga suatu pelaburan dalam "bentuk emas" walaupun ketulenan emas pada barang kemas adalah rendah daripada emas keping iaitu 91.6 peratus bagi barang kemas dan 99.99 bagi syiling dan emas keping.
Bagi Bursa Malaysia pula, mungkin Dana Dagangan Bursa Emas (Gold Exchange Traded Fund) mungkin boleh difikirkan selaku salah suatu tawaran di bursa kita.
Dengan adanya ETF Emas ini dapatlah lebih ramai pelabur melabur dalam emas dengan modal yang lebih rendah.
DATO' SALLEH MAJID ialah bekas Presiden Bursa Saham Kuala Lumpur (kini Bursa Malaysia)
Pelaburan Emas | Gold Investment
HUBUNGI SAYA (ASMADI) DI 019-948 4001 - Dealer Public Gold Yang SAH, Menjual Emas dalam bentuk Bar dan Dinar Emas.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Gold to hit $1,500 in 2010 - CommodityOnline
NEW YORK (Commodity Online): Once upon a time India was the pace of gold and diamonds and gems. The West weaved stories about the East's diamonds and gold where rich kings used to posses huge quantities of gold and flaunted it before others.
And, then came the plundering of India's wealth by several forces which invaded it. And by the time India got Independence, the diamonds and gold had gone. After that there was a time when India had to pawn its possession of gold to get loans from international bodies to tide over a crisis.
That story has changed now. This week India has shown its might again to the world by buying 200 tonnes of IMF gold beating China in the bid.
This one action has influenced bullion market so much that the gold prices soared to an all time high and was in kissing distance from $1,100 per ounce this week.
This unimaginable rise of gold prices has given hope to investors across the world that they now expect the yellow metal to touch $1,500 per ounce in the coming months.
According to CNNMoney.com, the Gold Rush of 2009, unlike some prior gold price spikes, does not appear to be due to worries about an imminent meltdown of the financial system. Gold rallied in early 2008, for example, just as Bear Stearns was about to collapse.
Instead, gold has rallied recently as the dollar has weakened. Gold, along with other metals, such as silver and copper, and commodities, like oil, are benefiting from inflation fears.
Investors around the world have fled the dollar due to worries that the massive amounts of money pumped into the US economy by Congress, the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve will eventually lead to inflation, said CNNMoney.com
Gold, unlike silver, copper and many other metals, does not have that much of an industrial use. But gold has often been considered the safest of safe havens when the dollar declines. As a hard, tangible asset of value, some investors buy gold as an alternative to the dollar.
The International Monetary Fund announced on Monday that it sold a huge chunk (200 metric tons) of gold to the central bank of India. Now there is chatter that other nations may also want to bulk up on gold, a CNNMoney.com report said.
Central banks don't appear to be the only big gold buyers. Mining companies are doing so as well.
Gold producers are going to need to close their hedge books because for every dollar that the price of gold goes up, they lose a lot of money.
This demand, coupled with more worries about inflation, is likely to lead gold significantly higher. Gold could hit $1,150 by the end of this year and $1,500 by the end of 2010.
If the economy is really in recovery mode, the Fed will eventually start raising interest rates from their current level of near zero. Once it does that, some of the inflation pressures should subside. That could take some of the air out of the gold run.
But there is also a good chance that gold could gain even more ground over the long haul even if the global economy gets back on track and the dollar strengthens again.
Source : http://www.commodityonline.com/news/'Gold-to-hit-$1500-in-2010'-22675-3-1.html
And, then came the plundering of India's wealth by several forces which invaded it. And by the time India got Independence, the diamonds and gold had gone. After that there was a time when India had to pawn its possession of gold to get loans from international bodies to tide over a crisis.
That story has changed now. This week India has shown its might again to the world by buying 200 tonnes of IMF gold beating China in the bid.
This one action has influenced bullion market so much that the gold prices soared to an all time high and was in kissing distance from $1,100 per ounce this week.
This unimaginable rise of gold prices has given hope to investors across the world that they now expect the yellow metal to touch $1,500 per ounce in the coming months.
According to CNNMoney.com, the Gold Rush of 2009, unlike some prior gold price spikes, does not appear to be due to worries about an imminent meltdown of the financial system. Gold rallied in early 2008, for example, just as Bear Stearns was about to collapse.
Instead, gold has rallied recently as the dollar has weakened. Gold, along with other metals, such as silver and copper, and commodities, like oil, are benefiting from inflation fears.
Investors around the world have fled the dollar due to worries that the massive amounts of money pumped into the US economy by Congress, the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve will eventually lead to inflation, said CNNMoney.com
Gold, unlike silver, copper and many other metals, does not have that much of an industrial use. But gold has often been considered the safest of safe havens when the dollar declines. As a hard, tangible asset of value, some investors buy gold as an alternative to the dollar.
The International Monetary Fund announced on Monday that it sold a huge chunk (200 metric tons) of gold to the central bank of India. Now there is chatter that other nations may also want to bulk up on gold, a CNNMoney.com report said.
Central banks don't appear to be the only big gold buyers. Mining companies are doing so as well.
Gold producers are going to need to close their hedge books because for every dollar that the price of gold goes up, they lose a lot of money.
This demand, coupled with more worries about inflation, is likely to lead gold significantly higher. Gold could hit $1,150 by the end of this year and $1,500 by the end of 2010.
If the economy is really in recovery mode, the Fed will eventually start raising interest rates from their current level of near zero. Once it does that, some of the inflation pressures should subside. That could take some of the air out of the gold run.
But there is also a good chance that gold could gain even more ground over the long haul even if the global economy gets back on track and the dollar strengthens again.
Source : http://www.commodityonline.com/news/'Gold-to-hit-$1500-in-2010'-22675-3-1.html
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Apa jua situasi ekonomi dan politik, menyimpan emas menguntungkan anda!
Kita ikuti bicara salah seorang pakar pelaburan emas di Malaysia - En Syukor Hashim
Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera. Apa khabar pembaca sekalian? Saya berharap anda sihat walafiat. Harga emas turun banyak sekarang. Dalam USD870. Jadi ini adalah masa terbaik untuk membeli emas. Baiklah, untuk posting kali ini kita akan melihat peranan emas di dalam 2 situasi yang berbeza. Yang pertama, ketika keadaan aman, seperti di Malaysia dan kedua ketika krisis ekonomi dan politik, seperti yang sedang berlaku di negara Zimbabwe.
Peranan emas ketika negara aman dan makmur.
Bagi kita rakyat Malaysia, apabila kita membeli emas, biasanya ada 4 tujuan:
1. Sebagai penyimpan kekayaan (harga emas stabil/naik dalam jangkamasa panjang)
2. Sebagai pelaburan - untung beli ketika harga rendah, jual ketika harga tinggi
3. Sebagai barang kemas sebab nak nampak cantik.
4. Hantaran kahwin
Memandangkan kita berada di dalam keadaan yang sangat aman dan ekonomi yang stabil, tidak pernah terlintas di hati kita bahawa emas adalah penyelamat nyawa, duit ataupun penentu hidup atau mati betul tak?
Peranan emas ketika kegawatan ekonomi dan politik.
Di dalam keadaan kegawatan ekonomi atau politik, emas akan memainkan peranan utama sebagai medium pertukaran – atau wang. Ketika itu manusia tidak akan mempercayai wang kertas kerana wang kertas hanyalah – kertas! tak ada nilai. Contoh yang paling mudah ialah apa yang berlaku di Negara Zimbabwe.
Ketika ini keadaan ekonomi dan politik Zimbabwe adalah tidak menentu. Kadar inflasi di Zimbabwe mencecah 5 sextillion peratus (ada 21 biji kosong)5 ,000,000,000,000,000,000,000% inflasi. Pergh… teruk giler…Wang 100 billion Zimbabwean Dollar cuma boleh membeli 3 biji telur. Pada tahun 1980, Zimbabwean Dollar mempunyai nilai yang lebih tinggi daripada USD, tetapi kerana pemerintah yang sesuka hati mencetak wang kertas, maka nilai wang negara Zimbabwe telah kehilangan nilainya (baca kat sini) Wang kertas Zimbabwe tak laku…
Saudara saudari sekalian, dengan keadaan politik dan ekonomi yang tidak stabil kehidupan mereka sangat sukar. Wang kertas tidak ada nilai. Jadi, bagaimana mereka meneruskan kehidupan? Apa yang mereka gunakan sebagai duit?Jawapannya. Emas.
Untuk meneruskan kehidupan rakyat Zimbabwe terpaksa mendulang emas. Ini kerana emas diterima sebagai wang.
Kesimpulannya.Walau apa jua keadaan ekonomi dan politik, orang yang menyimpan emas tetap akan untung. Bagi kita rakyat Malaysia, kita amat bertuah kerana negara kita aman, stabil dan makmur. Jadi kalau kita simpan emas ianya lebih kepada menyimpan kekayaan dan membuat pelaburan.
Kita tetap untung.Dalam situasi yang politik dan ekonomi yang tidak stabil, emas akan menjadi penyelamat nyawa kita dan keluarga kita. Inilah yang akan menjadi wang nanti.
Jadi, dengan harga emas yang turun sekarang nie anda dah boleh beli emas. So apa tunggu lagi, mulakan simpanan emas anda sekarang!
SMS ke 0199484001 ..dan taip LOCK<20g/50g/100g/1kg> untuk lock harga emas dan membeli emas anda daripada saya SEKARANG JUGA.
Sumber Ihsan : Shukor Hashim - Jutawanemas.com
Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera. Apa khabar pembaca sekalian? Saya berharap anda sihat walafiat. Harga emas turun banyak sekarang. Dalam USD870. Jadi ini adalah masa terbaik untuk membeli emas. Baiklah, untuk posting kali ini kita akan melihat peranan emas di dalam 2 situasi yang berbeza. Yang pertama, ketika keadaan aman, seperti di Malaysia dan kedua ketika krisis ekonomi dan politik, seperti yang sedang berlaku di negara Zimbabwe.
Peranan emas ketika negara aman dan makmur.
Bagi kita rakyat Malaysia, apabila kita membeli emas, biasanya ada 4 tujuan:
1. Sebagai penyimpan kekayaan (harga emas stabil/naik dalam jangkamasa panjang)
2. Sebagai pelaburan - untung beli ketika harga rendah, jual ketika harga tinggi
3. Sebagai barang kemas sebab nak nampak cantik.
4. Hantaran kahwin
Memandangkan kita berada di dalam keadaan yang sangat aman dan ekonomi yang stabil, tidak pernah terlintas di hati kita bahawa emas adalah penyelamat nyawa, duit ataupun penentu hidup atau mati betul tak?
Peranan emas ketika kegawatan ekonomi dan politik.
Di dalam keadaan kegawatan ekonomi atau politik, emas akan memainkan peranan utama sebagai medium pertukaran – atau wang. Ketika itu manusia tidak akan mempercayai wang kertas kerana wang kertas hanyalah – kertas! tak ada nilai. Contoh yang paling mudah ialah apa yang berlaku di Negara Zimbabwe.
Ketika ini keadaan ekonomi dan politik Zimbabwe adalah tidak menentu. Kadar inflasi di Zimbabwe mencecah 5 sextillion peratus (ada 21 biji kosong)5 ,000,000,000,000,000,000,000% inflasi. Pergh… teruk giler…Wang 100 billion Zimbabwean Dollar cuma boleh membeli 3 biji telur. Pada tahun 1980, Zimbabwean Dollar mempunyai nilai yang lebih tinggi daripada USD, tetapi kerana pemerintah yang sesuka hati mencetak wang kertas, maka nilai wang negara Zimbabwe telah kehilangan nilainya (baca kat sini) Wang kertas Zimbabwe tak laku…
Saudara saudari sekalian, dengan keadaan politik dan ekonomi yang tidak stabil kehidupan mereka sangat sukar. Wang kertas tidak ada nilai. Jadi, bagaimana mereka meneruskan kehidupan? Apa yang mereka gunakan sebagai duit?Jawapannya. Emas.
Untuk meneruskan kehidupan rakyat Zimbabwe terpaksa mendulang emas. Ini kerana emas diterima sebagai wang.
Kesimpulannya.Walau apa jua keadaan ekonomi dan politik, orang yang menyimpan emas tetap akan untung. Bagi kita rakyat Malaysia, kita amat bertuah kerana negara kita aman, stabil dan makmur. Jadi kalau kita simpan emas ianya lebih kepada menyimpan kekayaan dan membuat pelaburan.
Kita tetap untung.Dalam situasi yang politik dan ekonomi yang tidak stabil, emas akan menjadi penyelamat nyawa kita dan keluarga kita. Inilah yang akan menjadi wang nanti.
Jadi, dengan harga emas yang turun sekarang nie anda dah boleh beli emas. So apa tunggu lagi, mulakan simpanan emas anda sekarang!
SMS ke 0199484001 ..dan taip LOCK
Sumber Ihsan : Shukor Hashim - Jutawanemas.com
Monday, November 2, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Harga Emas Public Gold
Sedikit maklumat mengenai harga emas Public Gold. Untuk makluman, harga emas Public Gold ada dua (2) jenis iaitu :
1-We Sell
Merupakan harga jualan kepada pelanggan, dan harga ini adalah ditentukan berdasarkan kepada harga pasaran semasa emas.
2. We Buy
Merupakan harga belian oleh syarikat/agen Public Gold daripada pelanggan yang ingin menjual balik emas mereka.
Semoga maklumat ringkas ini memberikan lebih kefahaman kepada saudara/ri yang berminat untuk membeli emas.
Sila hubungi saya di 0199484001 untuk pesanan emas Public Gold.
Sedikit maklumat mengenai harga emas Public Gold. Untuk makluman, harga emas Public Gold ada dua (2) jenis iaitu :
1-We Sell
Merupakan harga jualan kepada pelanggan, dan harga ini adalah ditentukan berdasarkan kepada harga pasaran semasa emas.
2. We Buy
Merupakan harga belian oleh syarikat/agen Public Gold daripada pelanggan yang ingin menjual balik emas mereka.
Semoga maklumat ringkas ini memberikan lebih kefahaman kepada saudara/ri yang berminat untuk membeli emas.
Sila hubungi saya di 0199484001 untuk pesanan emas Public Gold.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
What You Need To Know Before You Buy Your First Ounce of Gold

"The rich old speculator Bernard M. Baruch forehandedly bought gold and gold shares after the 1929 Crash. Years later a suspicious Treasury Secretary asked him why. Because, Baruch replied, he was 'commencing to have doubts about the currency.' Many are beginning to doubt the the strength of the dollar as they well might. Following Baruch's example, they should lay in some gold as a hedge." -- James Grant, Grant's Interest Rate Observer
Question. What kind of gold should I buy?
A. We probably get that question more than any other -- pretty much on a daily basis. The answer, however, is not as straightforward as you might think. What you buy depends upon your goals. We usually answer the "What should I buy?" question with a question of our own: "Why are you interested in buying gold?"
If your goal is simply to capitalize on price movement, then bullion coins will serve your purposes. If you are interested in long-term asset preservation and you have additional concerns about capital and/or monetary controls -- a more complicated scenario -- then you might want to include the lower premium variety of pre-1933 European and American gold coins in the mix. These have been treated by the U.S. government since the 1930s as historical items, and, as a result, afford the privacy-minded investor a greater degree of safety than gold bullion.
But what I just gave you is a rough sketch. To develop a more refined strategy, we recommend spending time with your broker here at USAGOLD-Centennial Precious Metals. We can help you design a portfolio capable of weathering these uncertains times and in keeping with your long-term goals.
Q. When should I buy?
A. The short answer is 'When you need it.' You cannot approach gold the way you approach stock or real estate investments. Timing is not the real issue. The first question you need to ask yourself is whether or not you believe you need to own gold. Once you answer that question in the affirmative, there is no point in delaying your actual purchase. The real goal is to diversify so that your overall wealth is not compromised by economic dangers and uncertainties.
Q. Why not wait for the necessity to arise, then buy gold?
A. During the course of last year, when concern about the financial crisis was peaking, there were periods of gold coin bottlenecks and actual shortages. The national mints could not keep up with public demand, and the flow of older gold from Europe was stymied by accelerating demand both there and in the United States. Premiums shot-up and a wild scramble developed for the available gold, even at rapidly escalating prices.
These events pointed up some of the problems inherent to the contemporary gold market. During times when demand for is booming, you cannot call the warehouse and order gold coins like you can most other consumer items. Even running at full capacity, the manufacturers (the national mints) cannot keep up with demand surges like the one we had in mid-2008 and again in early 2009. In the case of the older coins coming from Europe, the supply simply dries up because, to make a long story short, they aren't making them anymore. As a result you cannot treat a gold acquisition the way you do ordinary consumer purchases. Though your need may be great, the supply might simply have disappeared.
Q. You frequently mention gold as insurance. What do you mean by that?
The first chapter of that book ends with this:
"No matter what happens in this country, with the dollar, with the stock and bond markets, the gold owner will find a friend in the yellow metal -- something to rely upon when the chips are down. In gold, investors will find a vehicle to protect their wealth. Gold is bedrock."
This is precisely what people learned during recurring economic crisis situations over the centuries as well as in contemporary meltdowns such as Mexico's in 1994, the Pacific Rim's in 1997, and the United States' slow motion crisis from 2001 to present. If you consider what investors lost in the U.S. stock market over the last eight years and what gold investors gained during the same period, the swing in the net wealth effect is astonishing. When push came to shove, those who owned gold understood what we mean when we say "gold is bedrock." To reduce this to a course of action: Diversification is important.
Q. What percentage of my assets should I invest in gold?
A. Once again the answer is not cut and dried, but a general rule of thumb is 10% to 30%, and once again your broker at USAGOLD-Centennial Precious Metals can help you make the decision. How high you go between 10% and 30% depends upon how concerned you are about the current economic, financial and political situation.
Q. Can you give us a profile of the typical gold investor?
Beyond those baseline markets, one of the fastest growing gold demographic groups is inherited family wealth. Contemporary heirs often have a stronger impulse to diversity with gold than their parents or grandparents did. They have lived through a period since the early 1970s of persistent decline in purchasing power and recurrent financial bubbles. Along the way, they have learned a few lessons about contemporary portfolio management. We have helped many family groups and trust funds diversify substantial investment holdings into gold coins and bullion.
Q. In your book, The ABCs of Gold Investing, you start the chapter by saying "Who you do business with is one of the most important aspects of gold investing." Why is that?
A. A solid, professional gold firm can go a long way in helping the investor shortcut the learning curve. A good gold firm can help you avoid some the problems and pitfalls encountered along the way, and provide some direction. It is very important to pick the right firm. An experienced and reputable gold broker can help you choose the right gold product mix to hedge your portfolio, make sure the prices you pay are in line with market expectations, and help you in general with the decision making process. Also, the right firm -- one with proven logevity -- will most likely be around to help you liquidate all or part of your holdings should the need arise.
Q. Can you briefly describe what you believe to be the biggest mistake investors make when starting out as gold owners?
A. The biggest trap investors fall into is buying a gold investment that bears little or no relationship to his or her objectives. Take safe-haven investors for example. That group makes up 90% of our clientele, and probably a good 75% of the current physical gold market. Most often the safe-haven investor simply wants to add gold coins to his or her portfolio mix, but too often this same investor ends up instead with a leveraged (financed) gold position or a handful of exotic rare coins (often costing five or six figures). These have little to do with safe-haven investing, and most investors would be well served to avoid them -- except as a sideline.
Q. What is your view of gold stocks?
A. Many of our clients own gold stocks and we believe they have a place in the portfolio. However, it should be emphasized that gold stocks are not a substitute for real gold ownership, that is, in its physical form as coins and bars. Instead, stocks should be viewed as an addition to the portfolio after one has truly diversified with gold itself. Gold stocks can actually act opposite the intent of the investor, as some justifiably disgruntled mine company shareholders learned in the recent past when their stocks failed to perform as the price rose. There is no such ambiguity involved in actual gold ownership.
We cover some the differences between gold stock ownership and metal ownership in "The Differences between Owning Stocks and Owning Metal" so I won't go into the details here. Suffice it to say that gold stocks are stocks first and metal second.
Q. What about gold futures contracts?
A. Futures contracts are generally considered one of the most speculative arenas in the investment marketplace. The investor's exposure to the market is leveraged and the moves both up and down are greatly exaggerated. Something like 9 out of 10 investors who enter the futures market come away losers. For someone looking to hedge his or her portfolio against economic and financial risk, this is a poor substitute for owning the metal itself.
Q. Please summarize: What is the best approach for the safe-haven investor?
A. If you want to protect yourself against inflation, deflation, stock market weakness and potential currency problems -- in other words, if you want to hedge financial uncertainties, there is only one portfolio item that will serve you in all seasons and under most circumstances -- gold coins and bullion.
Sources : USA GOLD
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Bar emas yang paling cantik dan berkualiti keluaran Public Fine Gold International Sdn Bhd